The OpenStreetMap project has collected a huge amount of data about our planet. All this data is freely available to everybody. The tools on this site help you work with that data in many different ways. They are intended for developers and cartographers who want to use OSM data in their own projects.
These tools are meant for OSM data, not for other kinds of data that comes in something resembling the OSM data formats. If they don't work with non-OSM data, this is not considered a bug. Please don't open a bug report unless you are willing to pay money to the developers to fix these problems for you.
Osmium Tool
A multipurpose command line tool based on the Osmium Library. With it you can easily convert OSM files from one format to another, merge and apply change files and much more.Osmium Library
A fast and flexible C++ library for working with OSM data. It contains building blocks for many typical OSM data handling tasks, such as reading and writing OSM files, or assembling areas from multipolygon relations.PyOsmium
With PyOsmium you can use the functionality of the Osmium Library from Python.OSMCoastline
Extracts coastline data from OpenStreetMap planet file.OSM Area Tools
Debugging and statistic tools for OSM areas (multipolygons).Osmium Contrib
Various programs showing what you can do with the Osmium Library.Node Osmium
The Node.js bindings to Osmium Library bring its power to the Javascript developer.OSM GIS Export
Export OSM data to GIS formats like Shapefiles, Spatialite, or PostGIS.OSM Test Data
OpenStreetMap data to help test your software.Developing and supporting Osmium takes a huge amount of effort. We thank the following companies for their support:
There are currently no sponsors for Osmium. Please get in touch if you can support Osmium.
We thank our former sponsor Mapbox for their support over many years as well as Geofabrik, Cybertec, and GIS•OPS.